We are very fortunate to have a small group of volunteers in our Patient & Carer Participation Group (PCPG) for the Practice. The PCPG is made up of patients representing all three sites following the merger of the two different Patient Groups from before the merger of the two practices.
The group meets regularly with practice staff and has plans to support the work of the practice in various ways, for example by advising on service provision, providing feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interest and helping to give patients a voice in the organisation of their care.
We are now introducing a “Virtual PPG” to run alongside the existing patient group where patients are invited to join a mailing list so we can seek the views of a wider variety of patients. If you are interested in joining this group please use our online registration form.
The PCPG helps the Practice review the results of the annual patient survey and other sources of patient feedback. The PCPG also hopes to help in more practical ways – by supporting at ‘flu clinics or by supporting health education activities within the Practice.